I-ON Digital

I-ON Digital Corp. is a Seoul, South Korea-based enterprise software company founded in 1999. After being awarded its first of six patents by 2003, the Company has since evolved into an industry-leading and recognized developer of enterprise-class unstructured data management and digital marketing software solutions. I-ON Digital has sold to over 1,000 mid to large clients across numerous verticals in both the private and public sectors, primarily throughout South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia.

The Company has 11 products at market that enable clients to create, measure, and optimize digital experiences for their audiences across marketing channels and devices. These encompass enterprise web content management (CMS), web experience and service delivery software, digital marketing, smart mobility and analytics tools and energy management systems. I-ON Digital’s large R&D team has designed and developed industry-leading technologies that are compliant with global standards including GS (Good Software) and NET (New Excellent Technology), while holding numerous domestic and global industry awards and recognition from the likes of Gartner and Red Herring.


Web Content Management with strong market presence in Korea and Japan

I-ON Digital has been leading enterprise content management market in Korea and Japan with 1,000+ customers and 100+ partners globally.
The world's leading research and advisory Gartner said "I-ON Web Content Management has a strong market presence in Korea and Japan with scalable offerings." in Magic Quadrant for WCM 2014. As a 2014 Red Herring Asia Top 100 Winner, our award-winning enterprise solutions and services are bolstering global recognition of I-ON brand.
Based on our core technologies in terms of enterprise-level unstructured data management, we participated in a multilateral joint R&D project named LAEDOC (Longterm Archiving of Electronic Documents in Cloud) under EUREKA Individual program in 2014 and awarded ITEA3 with with 28 partners from 7 different countries in Europe.


Moving towards becoming a 'Global Top 100 Software Company'

I-ON Digital's unstructured data management solutions and services are playing significant roles in ECM (Enterprise Content Management), Smart Grid and other big data sector in local and overseas market with the goal of becoming a global top 100 software vendor.
Based on our experience being an undisputed market share leader in Korea and Japan, we're always happy to tap new market and grow with our customers and partners across the globe.
Owing to strengthening tailwinds associated with global digital marketing spend and our 18+ years track record establishing a foothold and successfully operating in Korea, Japan and SEA, I-ON Digital's objective is to continue to gain market share by engaging closely with existing and prospective clients.
We invest and continue to spend over 15% of total annual revenue on research and development. Plus, 85% of the work forces are concentrated on R&D, which enables I-ON Digital to be responsive to the business requirements in this rapidly changing ICT environment and have three-demensional understanding of our customers.
We assure that our agile, scalable and flexible solutions and services maximize the value of your business assets and drive your company to innovation and success.

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